Notes from Nick Wallingford

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Notes from Nick Wallingford
5 June 2018

When Virgil registered for military service (required of all men) on 16 October 1940, he was 30 years old and gave his address as 404 Quitman (not very far north of downtown Houston). He was employed by Commerce Oil Company. That address on Quitman is the same one that was used for Virgil and Edna in the 1940 census, with the house shown as being a rental, and that it was their residence 5 years earlier in 1935. Virgil made $1,680 in wages as a clerk in the previous year...

In the 1935 Houston directory, Virgil was living with his second wife, Marjorie (nee Lewis), at 4787 Pease Avenue, Houston (they had been married the previous November, and the marriage did not last long at all).

Virgil joined the Air Force (in fact, the Air Corps) on 13 February 1942, signing up at Ellington Air Force base outside of Houston.

He was living with his mother Edna at 5934 Grace Lane - Roland and Corinne's house - in the 1942 city directory. When Roland and Corinne went to Lake Charles, they left their house with Edna - but I had never heard that Virgil was living there, too.

Edna is recorded as a 'resident' at the address. Virgil shows as 'householder', but I don't know that either of those are accurate or significant.

One of Alvin Wallingford's sons, George Ghen Wallingford, lived with Edna (at least) with his wife JeNell, but for the directory for 1942, they are living on Clay and not (yet?) on Grace Lane.

So just before he turned 32, Virgil signed up for the Air Force. By this stage, he had been married twice. The 1942 directory doesn't have an occupation for him. I'm leaning to the belief that he had 5934 as his address but may not have been living there, having started his training soon after signing up.

And it appears he did that in Sherman. Perrin Air Force Base was built in Sherman in 1941, specifically to do the training related to the newly formed US Army Air Forces (which took over from the US Army Air Corps and preceded the US Air Force as know it now in 1947). I have no evidence, but it is almost certain this is where Virgil was sent to train, arriving there probably soon after he signed up in February 1942.

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